Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Finally..........a Mortarboard!!!

And it took me 4 years to acquire it…

Of course, by no means it was an easy task when there were lots of sweats, worries, troubles, tears and fears involved along. Remember way back in 2005, when I first set foot on this place, a so-called “University in Garden”, that really took me a whole semester to acclimatize with the surroundings. I thought it was more like a “University in Oil Palm Estate”!! LOL. Then, assignments, projects, tutorials, tests and quizzes kept pouring in, and how I’d wished I’ve graduated at that time!! Now, it’s finally happening. I’ve attended my first convocation, wore my first graduation robe and mortarboard, and obtained my first piece of “paper”……Ah, feels like it was just yesterday!! Perhaps, that’s what it meant by time really flies, with just another blink of an eye!!! With health screenings and health kits provided on the move to prevent Influenza A (H1N1), this convocation has turned out to be a truly “memorable” one……………………
And I’m pretty thankful to those who came, dropped by to congratulate and gave me presents. Just feel sorry to have them under the scorching sun…@_@|||

These 4 years, I’m glad to know a bunch of good friends whom I played, learned, studied, mingled along and not to forget those that lent me a helping hand at times. Well, a reminiscence of the good old days indeed!! We grew up with one mission – Graduation. Now, each of us has other missions ahead, pursuing another dream, heading towards a new world of our own. As for me, it’s serious business now. My next mission – a second degree...How long will it take? Hmm…that is a good question!!! … *sweat*…